Health Coaching


Looking to make big changes in your health? We can help!

At TwinTown Fitness, we believe there’s no magic bullet for health. It’s something that takes time, patience and persistence. Small changes, over time, make a big impact.

For most people, getting started isn’t the hard part. It’s the consistency and accountability. That’s where we come in. Our health coaches work with you to create a nutrition and wellness plan you can stick to.

Why do we call it health coaching and not nutrition coaching?

Nutrition plays an important role in wellness. However, other elements are just as important.

We believe in six pillars of health.

We help people build confidence by consistently working to develop habits in the following categories, in no particular order:

  1. Hydration

  2. Diet

  3. Exercise

  4. Sleep

  5. Mindfulness

  6. Growth

By building balance across these pillars creates a firm foundation from which to grow. 

We believe in sustainable change.

Our Health Coaching program focuses on building healthy habits. We start small; like, really small. So small that some of our first weeks seem almost insignificant.

The process is simple: choose just one place to focus each week. Pick something that you can do 90-100% of the time, without fail. We will only move on to the next goal when this is a habit and that you feel good about handling more.

Why does this work? 

Sustainable changes leads to building habits you sustain for the rest of your life.

Let’s say that your goal is to lose 40 pounds. There are many approaches you can take. Here are two: 

1) Lose weight quickly with intense restrictions and a rigorous exercise plan. But, when you get off of your plan, you’ll slowly start to put the weight back on. Even worse, you’ll stack up another defeat in the weight loss war. The voice in your head will start up again: you’ll never lose weight, why try, it’s hopeless, etc.


2) You make small changes over time that cumulatively result in weight loss. The focus isn’t weight loss, per se, but on small, healthy changes that help you get there.

That’s it? This seems too simple. 

Yes, that’s it! And yes, it is simple. After a few weeks focusing on something really small, it becomes a habit that you don’t have to think about. Then, it’s on to the next thing. 

Imagine if we continue to stack healthy habits on top of each other. Where would be you in 6 months? 12 months? Our program keeps clients trending forward in consistency, confidence, and progress. And even if you get off track (hello, vacations and the holidays!), you don’t have to start over again. You just pick up where you left off.

Couldn’t I just do this on my own?

Sure. But since it’s so “easy,” and something you could do on your own, most of us don’t. We’re here to help you decide what to focus on, get you going, and to keep you accountable every single week

What does health coaching look like?

  1. Introduction Call. You’ll meet in-person or on the phone with your health coach to discuss goals. Together we will determine if we are a good fit.

  2. Follow-up call. Your coach will lead you through an exercise that gets you thinking bigger picture and “why” you want to change your habits.

  3. Goal setting call (10 minutes, weekly). At the beginning of the week, we’ll set your weekly focus and you’ll be off and running!

  4. Accountability call (5 minutes, weekly). Later in the week, we’ll discuss how the week is going and reassess our focus if needed. Simple and effective!

I don’t live in Minneapolis. Can this be done remotely?

Of course! Many of our clients live out of state. If you have a phone, you’re good to go.

Putting you in the driver's seat makes the most impact.

We don’t have a preset plan that everyone needs to follow, or a certain diet to steer you toward. Instead, our job is to keep you on track. We’re here for guidance, recommendations, and most importantly, accountability. 

What’s this going to cost me?

Our Health Coaching program begins at $120/month, no commitment or hidden fees involved!

Ready to get started? Or still have questions?

Let’s talk! Email