How Our Classes Accommodate All Fitness Levels


We get asked all the time how we offer appropriately challenging workouts for the wide range of ability levels in our classes. While there’s no one perfect workout for everyone, we work hard to make sure that we offer a challenge that everyone feels good about when they’re done. The 3-level system in our classes (“tracks,” as we call them) provides an appropriate workout for our new members, even those just working through a trial week, alongside what makes sense for those who’ve been at it with us for many years. Here’s what they’re about:

MOVE” is our entry-level offering. The Move track is what we recommend most people begin with when they start here, and it also serves as a recovery day workout for those who are looking to work out without pushing too hard. In the Move track, movements, weight recommendations, rep schemes, and even workout complexity is geared towards entry-level learning and a recovery-based challenge. This is where we help you work on the basics, build and refresh a solid foundation, and move!

WORK” builds on the basics learned in the Move track and adds additional challenges for those ready to take their workouts up a notch. Here we begin adding in slightly more complex movements and additional difficulty in the recommended weights, and start upping the number of reps per workout. Work is where the majority of our members usually land as they select the workout option that’s right for them. This track provides a solid, sustainable challenge and is a great stepping stone to some of the more challenging movements many of our members set as long-term goals.

TRAIN” is the most difficult version of our daily workout. This track is where you’ll find the most technical movements, even heavier weights, and larger rep schemes than what’s found in Work. On the days when your batteries are feeling charged and you want to really get after it, the Train workout is a great tool to take advantage of.

Between all the options, we keep the workout duration the same and match up the style of movement in each so that regardless of which track you’re following, everyone will have a workout that looks similar to the person next to them.

No matter which track you choose each time you’re in, we teach you how to do the movements you’re using (from all the different tracks!) with proper technique, and spend the hour working with you to hone the details and dial in your skills. You’re never alone in the process!

The 3-track system is meant to provide options so you’re never set up with a workout that’s too much (or little!) for you. Even for our most experienced members, we don’t expect that you take on the most challenging version of the workout each time you come to the gym. We want you to vary your workout intensity on a daily basis, and to play the long game in your workout lifespan. This system provides a framework for getting you there.

Instead of rigid rules, we see our tracks as guides to help you get the best workout possible each time you’re in. Not sure which option is right for you? We’re always here to help you pick from the options to build the combination you’ll feel best about when your workout is complete!

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