What is an InBody Scan? (Plus, how it can help meet your health goals.)

inbody scan

New Year, New You?

This is the time of year a lot of people start thinking about change.

We have a little secret for you: there’s nothing magical about January 1. If you’re re-evaluating your health, there’s no reason you can’t start moving the needle now.

This is one of the biggest reasons we started our health coaching services: To give people the guidance they need to work on other areas of their health— hydration, diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and growth.

It couples really well with the InBody machine. 

What’s an InBody Machine?

Weighing yourself or calculating your BMI is pretty darn easy to do at home… but what are those numbers actually telling you? Not a whole lot. That’s why we love the Inbody scanner. In less than fine minutes, you’ll get an accurate look at your body composition.

What does “body composition” mean?

A scale will tell you your total body weight. What it doesn’t tell you is what percentage of your body is made up of lean muscle mass, fat body mass, skeletal mass and water.

At TwinTown, we’ve invested in an advanced InBody model which shows you exactly where you carry your weight and even more interesting where you carry your muscle. You can see if your upper body, core or lower body is your strongest area of your body. This allows you to create a workout plan that targets literal weakness.

Why would I get on this machine?

A couple reasons.

1) Use the scan as a starting point. Revisit in a few months to see what your focused work has produced.

2) The scan can serve as real data to inform your workouts. It’s very common for people to learn one side of their body is stronger than the other, or that an area is weaker or stronger than they feel. The data doesn’t lie!

How we use the InBody machine with clients: 

  • To add muscle.
    Some people want to add muscle or have been trying to add muscle. If we take the data from an initial scan, and create a plan based on the information, we’re able to see detailed progress. Two months later, you’ll know exactly what’s been working and how to evolve your plan.

  • To lose weight.
    We understand bodies are different and don’t believe anyone should feel pressure to look a certain way. But for those looking to lose weight, the data details your specific body make up, and will inform where to focus our efforts. For many clients, this is the work that we do in the gym, but also can be a tool to measure nutrition.

How do I get an InBody scan? And how much does it cost?

You can schedule an individual session at any point with Peter or Brock. The scan takes 5-10 minutes, and we will talk you through your results. Each scan is $30. 

We will also be scheduling monthly InBody scan sessions, which will allow you to use it more regularly to see how your hard work is paying off.

Ready to get started? Or still have questions?

Let’s talk! Email brock@twintownfitness.com.

Brock Harling