Meet your wellness goals. Not just for 2023, but for life.

* We’re opening up five spots in our Health Coaching Program. Want to know if it’s right for you? Keep reading. (And yes, it can be done remotely!)*

Are you ready to take a more holistic approach to your health? Bank better sleep? Get more out of your workouts? Pack more nutrient-dense food into your diet? Feel, dare we say, really really ridiculously good

Optimal health is not a one-size fits all.

However, it can feel so overwhelming. Between social media, well-meaning (usually) advice from friends and family, and the latest wellness trends, it’s easy to get frustrated and give up. That’s why we launched our health coaching program, an approach to wellness that fits your personal goals. 

Our health coaching program focuses on six pillars of health: Hydration, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Mindfulness and Growth. 

We work on building healthy, sustainable habits over time. We’ll help you tune out the noise and tune into your mind and body. Each individual’s motivation, or their “why,” for prioritizing health is unique. That’s why our health coaching program is different for every person.

What we’ll work on in health coaching:

  1. Hydration.
    Optimal hydration is key and affects everything else. You will know exactly how much water you should be drinking and when to drink it. We will talk about different components, like mixing in electrolytes to help amp things up. 

  2. Nutrition. 
    Food matters. We’ll spend a lot of time here. There are so many layers, but our slow, steady approach means making small changes over time. We’ll figure out how many portions of macronutrients (protein, veggies, carbs and health fats) you should eat daily.. This differs for each person based on goals, where you are now and the direction you want to go. We don’t recommend the type of diet you should follow (Paleo? Cool. Plant-based? Fantastic. Pizzatarian? Let’s talk about it!). There are plenty of ways to get to the results you want. You can also expect to learn how to meal plan, prep and more.

  3. Exercise. 
    Most of our clients are also gym members, but working out is only a piece of the pie. We’ll help you stay active throughout the day, work on mobility and range of motion, and show you how to rest and recover properly. We’ve also crafted specific strength and accessory programs based on goals. 

  4. Sleep. 

    It’s not just about the hours you get, but the quality of those ZZZs. Expect to work on an ideal morning and evening routine to help to get those restful hours of sleep. 

  5. Mindfulness.
    This is an easy one to ignore when life gets busy. That’s exactly why we focus on it. Everyone needs time to downshift and rejuvenate in order to work hard in all other areas. We give you a tracking journal to use throughout this process and beyond. Journaling, meditation, yoga, stretching and walking are a few ways we’ll build a process that serves you. 

  6. Growth.
    To put it another way, identifying what’s important and working toward it. Our coaching program helps you determine your why. We provide the accountability. When your day-to-day actions align with your why, you’re going to be happier and healthier. Growth goals are identified by each individual, but we help you steer.

What to expect from our Health Coaching Program:

First, we ask you a series of questions aimed at identifying your goals, and how we can help you get there. 

Every week, your health coach will call you for a check in. We discuss what’s working, what’s been hard, and then choose ONE thing to focus on each week. Your ONE thing should be something you can do 90 percent of the time– like avoiding your phone for an hour before bed, or drinking X ounces of water a day. It takes anywhere from 1-4 weeks to build a habit. Once you’ve mastered a focus, we build on it. 

Our health coaching clients see big, lasting results by making small changes. 

Ready to sign up? Have questions? Email

Brock Harling