Why We're Doing Analog January Again

Last January, we asked TwinTown members to take a break from their screens. 

At first, many of you were like…. huh? Aren’t you a gym? Aren't you supposed to be encouraging people to, I dunno, give up sugar and double-down on the exercise? 

If you want to make nutrition and exercise goals, we are 100 percent behind it. That said, we like to encourage our TwinTown community to take on a challenge together. This year, it’s a technology “diet.” For those who participated (there were a lot of you!), the difference after a month without social media was notable. You felt less anxious, had more time on your hands, and realized just how much time you spend mindlessly scrolling on your phone.

So! We’re doing it again.

Before you panic:
We aren't asking you to give up your phone (or TV or iPad) entirely. We are asking you to be more mindful about how you use them. 

I think we all feel like there’s not enough time in the day. You wish you could get to the gym more, spend time with friends and family, learn to cook, but you're just too busy.

We get it. And as people who work in the fitness industry, we hear about it a lot. It's one of the biggest reasons people stop coming to the gym: there's just not enough time.

But you know what we do have time for?

The average American spends 65 days a year on their phone. What else could you be doing with that time? So many things.

This is why we're asking gym members to examine their phone/screen usage, and set a realistic goal for themselves in the month of January. That could be something as simple as not looking at your phone for the first and last 15 minutes of the day, or maybe taking the entire month off all social media.

Sure, you could decide to only use a rotary phone for a month, but that's not practical for most of us. Instead, opt for a goal that's both impactful and achievable. You don't have to go to the extremes for it to count.

Stumped for Analog January goals? A few ideas:

  • Charge your phone overnight outside of your bedroom. Worried about not waking up? Get an old school alarm clock.

  • Turn off all notifications on your phone.

  • Spend 10 minutes in the morning stretching or foam rolling instead of scrolling in bed. 

  • Don’t use your phone for the first and last 30 minutes of the day. This is a LOT easier if you charge it outside your room.

  • Take the month off social media. Yes, even TikTok.

  • Delete social media from your phone.

  • Put your phone away (not just face down on the table, but in a different room or inside a bag) during meals or time spent with your family/friends

  • Make real-life plans-- with a friend or family member, or maybe doing something all by yourself!

  • Read a book before bed instead of scrolling or bingeing Netflix. Set a reading challenge for the month. Could you read one book in January? Two? More?

Need a little inspo for Analog January? Check this stuff out:

Short Read: Pay Attention (Because Nobody Else Is)
Short Read: "Do Not Disturb: How I Ditched My Phone and Unbroke My Brain" - New York Times
Longer Read:
Deep Work by Cal Newport
"Roxane Gay: Should We Quit Social Media?" We Can Do Hard Things Podcast
"Is there a sane way to use the internet" - Search Engine Podcast

P.S. If you’re looking to improve your sleep, check out our health coaching program. It’s a simple and effective way to meet your wellness goals. Accountability works! Learn more here.

Molly Katt