
Our daily pursuit here at the gym is to help our members be healthier, happier people. Whether through the obvious benefits of working out with others in order to get stronger, or through the more subtle effects of increased confidence in our bodies and our abilities, we just want to help our members take steps forward.

In an effort to expand our reach and help those who could benefit even more from the support and training at TwinTown—and thanks to an amazing connection from soon-to-be coach Tommy, and our friend and member Jodi—we’ve linked up with an exercise and wellness program for current and in-remission cancer and chronic illness survivors, called Build. 

While we are just about to launch our first 8-week Build program here at TwinTown, the creators of Build (based at CrossFit Memorial Hill in Kansas City, and founded by Sami Mansfield) have years of experience under their belts. To say that the success Sami has had with Build is remarkable just doesn’t put into words what she’s accomplished. You can check out this video to get a better sense for the many ways she's been able to help her Build people, and learn even more on the Build program's site.

We work hard in our classes to provide a challenge that’s right for all, meeting each of you where you are, and this is exactly what we’re doing with Build. The workouts are based on what has worked with previous groups, and is intended to be the push forward that each individual needs, regardless of where they are and when they begin.

We realize that starting something like this may bring about a new level of intimidation, but based on the success Sami has had, the leadership she’s providing us, and the years of coaching experience we’re constantly learning from, we know that our Build program will truly be able to push forward those of us who could use it the most.

To say the least, having cancer or another chronic illness is an uphill battle that requires a strength, mental toughness, and dedication that most of us cannot fathom. But, as Sami has reminded us, and as we get to witness see every time we have Jodi (who participated in Build in KC) in class, the trick to getting going is no more complicated than that: just starting. 

Interested? Know of someone who could benefit from this program? Have questions? Please get in touch. We look forward to sharing what we do with anyone who could use the boost.