Some Help Getting Started!

Whether you've taken a break from the gym or are beginning a fresh workout routine for the first time, getting the wheels turning isn't always as easy as we'd like. Most people think that they’re the only ones struggling with self doubt, or that it's just them who can’t seem to get (back) into the gym. As a coach, I can attest that we hear the same things from different people.

If you're feeling anxious about joining a gym, or struggling to get back into a workout routine, here are a few pointers I hope you keep in mind:

Set appropriate expectations. When you’re starting out, the only goal is that you come to class. Keep it simple! Leave the “performance” expectations for sometime way down the road (if you’re even interested in that at all) and just get started. If it’s been a while, be good to yourself and know that coming to the gym and doing anything is a huge win!

What may feel insignificant usually isn’t. Those teeny tiny little advances that happen each time you work out (that are happening, whether you feel them or not) stack up over time. In the same way that saving even just a small amount of money with each paycheck can seem pointless as you’re starting out, those small steps forward in the gym can also feel insignificant. But they’re exactly what add up to real changes when you stick to the plan. Even if it doesn't feel like it to you, we see all the time the power of small, compounding steps in the right direction!

Congratulate yourself for making it happen. Just getting through the door is a huge mental hurdle to overcome. You deserve some props on making that happen! Those anxious thoughts of intimidation before starting are real. Acknowledge that even just getting here involved some courage and that you should be proud of yourself for working through it.

Just exercise. Part of what I’ve seen prevent people from making a return or starting at all is that they feel like they need to be at a certain level to show up (“I need to get my cardio up before I start,” "I need to get better at push-ups first," etc.). I promise, you don't. TwinTown exists to help you move in the direction you want to travel—whatever that looks like for you—no matter where you are when you start. While we would love nothing more than to encourage you through the process, what we won’t do is push expectations on you if they don’t align with your goals. Show up to the gym and work out. That’s it. Just exercise!

Think long-term. In the grand scheme of things, the time you were away or delayed on starting will feel like just a drop in the bucket once you’ve built the habit of coming to class regularly. If you start today, in just a few short weeks you’ll have built some skills, started teaching your body the physical resilience it needs to get stronger, dropped much of the guilt that comes from continually delaying, and best of all, reinforced that you can do what intimidates you. What’s happened in the past is just that—the past. Get the ball rolling and don’t spend another second thinking on what could have been!

We’re here to support you. Whether that’s in class or just with some motivation to walk through the door; if you need a hand, know that we’re here. Come see us!