Good Vibes

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TwinTown has a certain energy to it. I'm still not exactly sure what it is but it's something I noticed the first time I came in, and I'm sure you all have noticed it too.

Usually, on these blogs I try to use the time to encourage you guys to try something, or tell you about something we're doing or offering. I don't want to do that on this one. Today, I just want to thank all of you. The community here is something I'm extremely grateful for. Moving to a new city where I didn't know anyone and didn't initially have a job was, to be honest, REALLY hard and scary as hell. TwinTown was the second gym I dropped in to, and one of AT LEAST another 12 gyms I checked out, and I always had this sense that I had a place here. I'll give credit to Peter, Brock, Nia and the other coaches for sure, but a lot of the credit goes to all of you! The coolest thing about this place, to me, is how diverse the community is and how we all have the same outlook. We want to be better, and we want to see other people be better too. That might sound like a lot of gyms, but trust me, it's more rare than you'd think.

So, thanks to all of you for being kickass people, and for giving me the chance to be a part of the community.

See you in the gym!