Nia's Pantry Staples


One of the first things you might learn about me is that I am always eating or thinking about my next meal or snack. I have the snack gene, it’s scientifically proven. Because I love food, I usually eat 4 meals per day; and if I don’t, I’m a snack grump and will literally eat everything snackable in sight. We’ve become pretty efficient with our grocery store runs because we have a handful of staples that make our meal/snack prep for the week super simple. If you don’t meal prep/plan, I cannot suggest it enough!

Here are my easy wins:

Rotisserie chicken- the best one is from Kowalksi’s. We’ve tested almost every grocery store and this one takes the cake, hands down. Throw it in a salad, heat it up with some left-over veggies, anything!

Shaved brussels sprouts- sauté them with a little garlic, salt, lemon, and red pepper flakes. BAM! You got a killer side!

Applegate chicken and sage sausage- for breakfast, because they makes eggs more interesting.

Larabars- I get the chocolate chip cookie one—it hits the spot when I need something sweet!

Chocolate chips- Speaking of sweet… this is not healthy, but I eat at least one handful of them a day… but if it’s done in small handfuls, it never adds up to a full handful, right? ...asking for a friend.

Buffalo chicken salad pack- we get this from Whole Foods because all you have to do to prepare it is throw in the rotisserie chicken. It’s so good. 

Rice cakes- I love putting cashew butter on these for a quick snack, especially great before a workout when you don’t want to eat a full meal but need something to hold you over! 

Frontera roasted tomato salsa- this is theeeee best salsa and I even use it as salad dressing.

Old fashioned rolled oats- add a scoop of protein powder and a little brown sugar and you’re set! 

Trying to find staple, quality foods to keep around for a quick meal or snack has significantly helped me stay on track to eating healthier and helps me stay energized every day. If you struggle with meal prep/planning, try keeping some of these staples to around or throw into your recipes this week! Find your own staples so when you’re in a pinch, you don’t have to reach for the tortilla chips and make a grilled cheese (no… I’ve never done this……..) Try planning this week and let me know how it goes and what you make!