Doing What We Can


I was reading an article a few weeks back about the seemingly hopeless situation we’re facing in the world of climate change.

None of what was discussed is new, but the issues continue to move along at a pace that, at best, can be described as concerning: there are too many cars on the road producing an abundance of problematic emissions, the facilities we rely on to provide power for our homes and workplaces continue to warm the planet at a rate that we can’t seem to keep up with, and worse, our very own leaders can’t seem to come up with an agreeable plan of attack for slowing down the problems.

It’s issues like this that can leave us feeling helpless. While it’s true that the effect we can have as individuals on a problem as massive as climate change might not be action enough to create noticeable change, we would be foolish to throw up our hands and not do what we can just because we won’t singlehandedly fix the issue, right?

Tighten up on your at-home recycling, ride your bike or take the bus to work—even a few times per month, or stop to pick up the trash you see the next time you’re out walking. Is this going to change the world? Nope, not overnight. But these small, individual actions do add up after a while, and I bet you’ll rest easier at night knowing you didn’t do nothing!

This same idea plagues our health and fitness progress: just because the circumstances aren't ideal sometimes (pulled a muscle, didn’t eat well over the weekend, fell behind on attendance, tired, etc.) doesn’t mean we should quit and walk away!

No time to get to the gym? Do burpees for 5 minutes at home instead. Thinking about skipping a class because you struggle with one of the movements? Hush that ego and let your coach help you find what will work—the imperfect workouts we do are always infinitely better than the ones we use excuses to skip. Work got crazy and you couldn’t make your 3 classes this week? Try convincing me that doing the two you can make it to won’t be worth your while!

Life is seldom perfect. The sooner we can accept that fact and do what we can to affect change where we can (both in the world and in ourselves), the better we’re going to feel, and the better the world will operate. 

No excuses. Do what you can!